Processing EHT Data using oifits

from import OIParser

Read the OIFITS file

a ="test.oifits")

Get the Data in numpy array

#output u1, v1, u2, v2, u3, v3, t3amp, t3phi, t3err
t3data = a.export_to_ascii()
array([[-9.20213077e+08,  2.24862919e+09,  4.10961013e+09, ...,
        -1.15278000e+00,  2.40325297e-03,  1.57017926e+00],
       [ 5.48462302e+08,  5.78208363e+08,  4.10961013e+09, ...,
         3.01467000e-01,  1.47845916e-03,  9.35142886e-01],
       [-1.46867538e+09,  1.67042083e+09,  4.65807243e+09, ...,
         2.22968800e+00,  1.76167204e-03,  1.19469978e+00],
       [-7.87694372e+08,  2.25763849e+09,  4.01444035e+09, ...,
         3.47386000e-01,  2.41208086e-03,  1.59243070e+00],
       [ 5.71504343e+08,  5.72300483e+08,  4.01444035e+09, ...,
         1.26194000e+00,  1.48569496e-03,  9.34430629e-01],
       [-1.35919871e+09,  1.68533801e+09,  4.58594469e+09, ...,
         5.00440000e-01,  1.75579165e-03,  1.23489333e+00]])

That’s it, now you can apply any type of data science model to analyse the data. The 500 lines of code you had to write everytime is reduced to mere 3 line code